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Ylä-Kivelä is a residential apartment block in Keuruu, central Finland. The block was built in 1980 and has 40 apartments, mostly owner-occupied or private rentals; around 50-60 residents live there. In 2009, the block became the first in Finland to replace its oil-based heating system with a solar thermal and pellet heating system. Since then, they have hosted visits and shared their experiences with other apartment blocks.…

The citizens' initiative Energiewende Gütersloh is working towards a rapid nuclear phase-out. They stand for local implementation of CO2 reduction, want to support the conversion of the energy supply to renewable sources and build a decentralised, democratic energy supply. To do so, they have developed multifaceted ideas for action and aim at fostering active engagement of citizens to help shape the energy transition.…

Kurt Gramlich is the spokesperson of the citizens´ initiative Gütersloh, a member of the Gütersloh Climate Council since 2015, of which he has been the chairman since 2019. The way he describes himself offers a clear view of its commitment toward ENCI: "With my commitment to climate protection and a life-friendly environment, I want to inspire others to work for a sustainable, environmentally friendly and globally just world. My goal is to strengthen the environmental movement in Bielefeld and OWL again, which has become small, and to enrich it with my knowledge and experience from the world of Free Software. With this wiki, I want to help build a community that cares about our democracy and…

The project was initiated by the consumer centre Schleswig-Holstein (Verbraucherzentrale Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (VZSH); it provides assistance to understand the options for action and decision-making for consumers regarding the energy transition. The initial focus is on heating networks, local solar energy projects and digitization of the energy supply.…

Ende Gelände is a broad alliance of people from the anti-nuclear and anti-coal movements, the Rhineland and Lausitz climate camps and the Hambacher Forest anti-coal campaign. They consist of leftist grassroots climate action groups, large environmental organizations, left-wing political groups and other campaigns, groups and networks. The movement is using civil disobedience as a signal for action "to put our climate before profit".…

Holger Laudeley is often described as "Mr Energy Transition" or the "Photovoltaic Pope". He is an engineer that founded his company Laudeley Betriebstechnik in the field of media technology in 1982. In the mid-1980s, the company began to focus on regenerative technologies. Initially, Laudeley Betriebstechnik mainly renovated flats and company buildings for energy efficiency. In the early 90s, the company also built low-energy and passive houses. He works for more individual energy autonomy for individuals and 25 years ago launched the first solar PV plug-in modules for installing on balconies that can provide 10% of a household’s electricity consumption and reduce its carbon footprint. The c…

NoMoorGas is a citizens' initiative founded in 2018 that is protesting against fracking in the region of Unterweser in Lower Saxony. They are doing PR work, organising protests and bus tours to drilling sites and conveyor systems.…

The Citizens Convention for Climate was a citizens' assembly that took place in 2019-2020 in France. It was initiated by the French president in response to the 'Yellow Vests' protest movement against the increase in fuel taxes. The objective of the Citizens Convention for Climate was to allow citizens to learn about, debate, and prepare draft laws in order to create regulatory and legislative proposals aimed at reducing France's carbon emissions by 40% from its 1990 levels in the spirit of social justice. The assembly was modelled after deliberative experiments known as 'mini publics' and was organised in seven official sessions, with three additional unofficial sessions. One hundred and fi…

The programme aims at organizing activities to fight energy poverty and scale up the identification of energy-poor households to offer them tailored solutions. It is based on a three-step approach of identification, socio-technical audit, and guidance regarding sustainable solutions. The methodology allows for the centralisation of households’ reporting and support for the mobilization of all local actors concerning energy poverty action. In 2020, about 40 municipalities, regions, and cities implemented the program, allowing a total of 15,000 families to benefit from Slime.…

RAPPEL is a network that aims at connecting and supporting organisations that provide preventive and corrective solutions for fighting energy poverty; capitalizing and advertising diverse experiences (deployment of local energy programmes, information or training campaigns…); better taking into account energy poverty in policies through regular dialogue with institutions; and thinking about new action areas, replicating pre-existing activities, creating and disseminating tools.…

The DECLICS programme was launched in 2018 by CLER (Réseau pour la transition énergétique). It replaced a ten-year-old programme called “Positive Energy Families Challenge” founded by the Prioriterre NGO. The purpose of the “Positive Energy Families Challenge” was to support households in implementing energy conservation and sufficiency into their daily energy consumption activities through collective gaming approaches (teams consisted of several households). DECLICS was launched following the success of the “Positive Energy Families Challenge” aimed at developing and deploying sufficiency measures with a larger scope, encompassing, for example, waste reduction, mobility, and food. To that e…

EmpowerMed is an H2020 project implemented between 2019 – 2023 in France and five other countries. The overall objective of EmpowerMed is to tackle energy poverty in the coastal areas of Mediterranean countries. Specific objectives are to: 1) raise public awareness of energy poverty and the means for its alleviation, focusing on the specifics of coastal areas, gender and health aspects; 2) implement practical solutions tailored to empowering households affected by energy poverty; 3) formulate local, national and EU policy recommendations and promote solutions for tackling energy poverty. Activities will take the form of energy visits to households, the installation of saving devices and prom…

ADMA is a training academy dedicated to the diffusion of pro-walking and biking policies in France. It was launched in 2021 and is financed by the French energy certificates scheme (CEE, Certificats d’Economie d’Energie). The scheme obliges power utilities to finance energy efficiency activities coordinated by the French Ministry of the Ecological Transition. The ADMA is implemented by the French Federation of Bike Users (FUB) and ROZO, an energy performance consultancy. It consists of a knowledge hub, a training programme with associated forms of certification, and an academy for bike industry workers to respond to the need for newly trained bike repair workers. ADMA also works closely with…

Enercoop is a renewable energy supplier (“100% renewables, 0% nuclear”) operated as a cooperative for local and citizen-based action. It is governed according to democratic principles, acts against energy poverty via a solidarity fund, “Energie Solidaire” (also included in the PROSPECTS database), and commits to delivering lower energy bills to its customers.…

Energie Partagée (Shared Energy) is a movement that aims at supporting and financing citizen renewable energy projects. It is composed of an association that promotes citizen energy, an energy cooperative that collects citizen investment and co-develops citizen projects, and an investment facility to directly contribute to citizen energy projects as a shareholder. Energie Partagée was established in 2010 by energy cooperatives and other like-minded organizations to identify and support citizen renewable energy projects based on a common charter that defines the values and characteristics of citizen projects (via their operating company) and is further used to attribute the label “Energie Par…

Energie Solidaire is an endowment fund that collects donations from non-energy-poor households and energy producers to finance activities to alleviate energy poverty. Energie Solidaire was launched in 2017 by the NGO “les Amis d’Enercoop”, which is linked to Enercoop, an alternative energy supplier working as a renewable energy cooperative. The first projects were financed in 2019. They involve various types of activities, mostly renovation (for example, technical assistance for self-renovation programmes) but also free health audits for energy-poor households or the replacement of inefficient fridges. Donations can be of two types: micro-donations from individuals (who typically agree to pa…

Hauts-de-France Pass Renovation is a public service for technical and financial assistance for renovation, created by the French region “Hauts-de-France” through the regional Public Service for Energy Efficiency. It is implemented in 12 territories or communities of the region. Hauts-de-France Pass Renovation is the first public operator to implement a third-financing mechanism for energy renovation for homeowners (individual or collective properties). It provides upfront financing for undertaking renovation work (43 000€ on average) that will be repaid by beneficiaries (in whole or partly) with their energy savings. The service provides an “all-in-one” solution, with technical assistance fo…

Mobicoop is a cooperative that focuses on shared mobility by offering a free (no-fee) carpooling service. The online platform is owned by individual shareholders (cooperative members) and is governed under the “1 shareholder = 1 vote” principle. Anyone can use the platform; there is no obligation to be a shareholder to be a user. The online platform is operated with open-source software to support digital sovereignty and user data protection.…

Railcoop is the first rail cooperative in France, established following the liberalization of the rail market. Railcoop wants to strengthen access to rail mobility to contribute to the energy transition. It aims at complementing the public service of the national train company SNCF with new lines, especially in rural areas and small cities. A freight service was launched in November 2021, and a public transportation service will be launched in December 2022. It aims to operate without public subsidies.…

The Housing Association carried out complex energy efficiency renovation, including both the building’s energy efficiency, heating and electricity systems. Solar PV panels (40 kW) were installed on the roof. The apartment association Kalda 64 (56 apartments) was established as a registered NGO in 1998, thus, no special organisation was established for joint electricity production (as the NGO already existed). One of the specialities of the project is the fact that both the architecture and the roof of the building are more complex than with average residential buildings. Therefore, several inverters and optimizers had to be installed, thus, the cost is higher than for conventional projects. …