Lilleoru is a self-sufficient community. Lilleoru Ecovillage installs solar PV panels on central buildings. The PV panels installed on the roof of a community learning centre building (15 kWp) were implemented in two phases. The installation of an additional 7 kW to be built on the roof of the extension is under discussion/planning. The ownership model is an NGO consisting of members of the community.…
The Citizen’s Jury on Climate Actions was an online citizen’s jury that took place in April 2021, commissioned by the Climate Policy Roundtable and the Ministry of Environment. It was the first nationwide deliberative mini-public on climate issues in Finland. Thirty-three citizens participated in the deliberation with the aim of assessing the fairness and impact of the measures proposed in the new Medium-Term Climate Change Policy Plan, with a specific focus on food, housing, and traffic.…
Tregor Energ’ethiques is a local NGO based in Tregor, Brittany, which started in 2019 from a solar project on the roof of a sports facility in one of the municipalities and a willingness to expand the initiative to other nearby municipalities. It was initiated by two renewable energy cooperatives (Enercoop members) as a local initiative for renewable energy development. Following a public screening of a documentary on local initiatives for climate change mitigation (Après Demain, by Cyril Dion and Laure Noualhat), 15 volunteers gathered to contribute to the launch of a new association dedicated to new local PV project development.…
The Rouen metropolis’ local COP21 took place in 2018 to translate the Paris Agreement's objectives to the local level. Supported by the NGO WWF and the French ecological agency (ADEME), the objective of the local COP21 was to foster local climate commitments from all stakeholders, such as municipalities, citizens, companies, administrations, and NGOs. Rouen metropolis is a group of 71 municipalities (the largest city of which is Rouen) that have close to 500,000 inhabitants, situated in the region of Normandie in the North of France. France enshrined the Paris Agreement into law in 2016 and designated regions as leaders of the “territorial” (local) decarbonization strategy, while large urban…
In 2021, the Climate Academy opened in the centre of Paris in an old municipal building. It is a place built for and with young people in cooperation with actors in educational innovation, research, and environmentalism. It is primarily dedicated to youth, ranging from 9 to 25 years old, to inform, raise awareness, train, and mobilise around socio-environmental issues. Its mission is also to support those who wish to become active to lead concrete projects and give them space for meetings and exchanges in order to promote action.…
Located in the heart of the Hauts-de-France Mining Basin, Loos-en-Gohelle suffered directly from the shock of the closure of the mines at the end of the 1980s. To make the transition from an unsustainable mining model, Loos-en-Gohelle signed a partnership protocol in 2014 with the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME), which recognized it as "a national pilot of transition towards sustainable cities”. In this context, the municipality put in place systems to inform, consult, and include citizens in projects aimed at transitioning from coal to renewable energies, from thermal sieves to eco-construction, and rehabilitating landscapes devastated by mining activities, e…
"For an ecological awakening" is a movement that transmits the voice of students and young professionals who call on society to take measures to meet ecological challenges. The collective aims to accelerate the transition to an economic model compatible with planetary boundaries and sustainable for humanity by focusing its action mainly on issues of training and employment. In addition to calling for a "wake up" of universities and employers, the collective offers sources of information and action on other levers to reduce its carbon footprint.…
ECLA'EnR brings together citizens, elected officials and actors from the territory of Ariège, a French department in a mountainous area, united within a cooperative, the SCIC ECLA'EnR, in order to mobilize and act in favour of the energy transition and produce local and collective renewable energy. The cooperative society is also supported by an association which aims to lead animation and awareness-raising missions about the challenges of the ecological transition.…
The Participatory Budget allows associations, communities, public or private structures, or any legal person to submit their projects to the vote of Île-de-France residents. The projects need to be associated with one of the major themes: food; biodiversity and green spaces; cycling and clean everyday mobility; cleanliness, waste, and circular economy; renewable energy and energy efficiency; or environmental health. Region Île-de-France then finances the winning projects with up to €300,000 for large ones and €10,000 for local ones.…
Velib’ is a large-scale bike-sharing system in Paris, France, launched in 2007 by the mayor of the city and operated as a public-private partnership. In 2018, it was rebranded as Vélib’ Métropole, and a new operator won the contract. Today there are 1,400 stations in the city of Paris and the surrounding Ile-de-France region, and 20,000 bikes, of which 40% are electric. In 2020 the service had 400,000 subscribers.…
One of the most important objectives of Tartu City is to develop environmentally friendly mobility. Smart Bikes are an important part of the Smart City way of thinking. On 8 June 2019, Tarty City unveiled its bike share system, comprised of 750 bikes in 69 bike share stations across the city. A total of 500 bikes are electric, and the remaining 250 are regular bikes. It has acquired next-generation electric assist bikes, which can communicate with the bike share system in real time. Bike Share reduced the number of cars, encouraged users to get some physical activity and maintained the “15 minutes to anywhere” phenomenon in Tartu. The network has proved very popular and, even by 2020 had rou…
The Housing Association “Rannaliiva” implemented the project for the pre-existing (built in the late 1980s, 16 dwellings) multi-apartment building renovation. The renovation was done within the frame of the RenoZB (Accelerating Nearly Zero Energy Renovation for Buildings and Neighbourhood) project of the EU Horizon 2020 programme. Overall, the RenoZB project aimed to unlock the nZEB renovation market by increasing property values through a new systemic approach to retrofitting. This included innovative components, processes and decision-making methodologies to guide all value-chain actors in the nZEB building renovation action. RenoZEB provided cost-effective 'plug and play' solutions for la…
The ongoing EU Horizon 2020 programme funded oPEN Lab project revitalises urban areas across Europe and is leading the transition of Positive Energy Neighbourhoods (PEN). Through activities in three open innovation living labs in Genk (Belgium), Pamplona (Spain) and Tartu (Estonia), oPEN Lab identifies commercially viable solutions to achieve positive energy urban environments, in line with the EU’s aim of being climate-neutral by 2050. The project promotes sustainable design tailored to neighbourhoods, seamless industrial renovation workflows, renewable energy generation combined with energy storage, urban service facilities, smart operation and life cycle thinking. The ultimate aim is to r…
When Estonia’s first public bike-sharing system was launched in Tartu in 2019, it became an overnight success. However, despite being free to use for seniors, less than 1% of all bike-share users were seniors. It became apparent that there were elements of the service that did not meet the needs of the elderly. Within the GreenSAM (Green Silver Age Mobility, EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme) project, the following activities have encouraged seniors to participate: senior-friendly instructions and tutorials on how to register for and use the bike-sharing system (study videos and paper instruction manuals were created); public events (lectures, practical training) were held at senior da…
The EU Horizon2020 programme funded the COMETS (Community Models for the Energy Transition through Social Innovation) project to investigate the evolution and contribution to energy transition efforts at the EU and national levels of collective action initiatives (CAI) in six countries. There are large knowledge gaps concerning how the low-carbon energy system transition may be governed in a smooth and participative way. Social innovation is a prime way to tap into that potential. The main expected impacts of the project are two-fold. Firstly, COMETS advances the scientific knowledge about the motives, desires, objectives and barriers of such CAI initiatives and their historical and future r…
The Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations (EKYL) is an independent non-profit working across Estonia to support apartment associations and represent their interests at local, national and international levels. The Union has more than 1,400 members (apartment associations) today. The mission is: (1) to support the development of apartment associations in Estonia through the implementation of knowledge-based activities such as training, consulting, advisory services, research, and national and international cooperation projects; (2) to engage apartment associations in energy-efficient renovations, energy poverty alleviation programs and sustainable development commitments; (3) to…
From 20 November to 5 December 2021, the first randomly selected citizens' assembly on climate change took place in Estonia. The Climate Assembly was aimed at young people between the ages of 16 and 29 in Ida-Viru County. Forty young people who submitted their applications were selected to take part in the assembly. The Youth Climate Assembly evaluated the district's plans for climate action and suggested improvements to make the transition to a climate-neutral future fair from the perspective of young people. On 10 December 2021, the proposals formulated by the Climate Assembly for making the country more climate-friendly were handed over to the Minister of State Administration, Jaak Aab.…
The CitiCAP project (Citizens’ Cap And Trade co-created) was carried out in Lahti between 2018 and 2021 with funding from the EU’s Urban Innovative Actions initiative. The CitiCAP project included running a pilot scheme on citizens’ personal carbon trading associated with mobility through a digital application, formulating the City’s first Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, creating a data platform for transport data and building a bicycle highway based on modern design instructions. Lahti was the first city in the world to pilot an application for personal carbon trading (PCT).…
Complex is a student association associated with the Leadership for Change master's degree program at Tampere University, Finland. In addition to representing the students’ interests at the university, the association also advocates for sustainability at the university and in the city of Tampere. The association aims to give a practical dimension to students’ academic studies through promoting sustainable actions and practices.…
The Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities (Hinku) network brings together municipalities, businesses, citizens, and experts to create and implement solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions using a bottom-up approach by at least 80% by 2030. The network aims to create solutions that have economic and social benefits as well as environmental advantages. Some Finnish regions are also involved in the Hinku network. Companies and expert organisations working in the energy and climate sector are also welcome to join the Hinku network. The network is coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). Eighty municipalities, five regions, and around 30 partner companies are currently part o…