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On 9 June 2021, the three Hessian Fraunhofer Institutes, IEE, IWKS and LBF invited people to a digital hydrogen citizen dialogue. More than 100 participants took advantage of the opportunity for exchange and discussion. "We draw an extremely positive [impression] of our first hydrogen citizens' dialogue. We are very pleased with the lively participation and the great interest in the topic of hydrogen and research on site," said Anke Weidenkaff, Director of Fraunhofer IWKS and initiator of the Citizens' Dialogue. The aim of the event was not only to give insight into the research of the three Fraunhofer Institutes in Hesse but also to adopt important suggestions and impulses from the populati…

The aim of this project is to research, develop and set up a peer-to-peer energy market for decentralised generation and storage units based on a blockchain that simultaneously uniquely identifies the traded electricity. To this end, the available blockchain approaches will first be analysed and evaluated, and a concept for the architecture of the system will be developed. Smart contracts will then be developed that represent an automated marketplace for direct exchange between prosumers and end consumers, as well as complying with the energy industry and regulatory requirements. A centralised comparison system will also be designed and implemented. Both systems will be operated in a field t…

This is a local renewable energy utility with public-community co-ownership (Germany). The citizen cooperative Wolfhagen (eG) holds 25% shares in Stadtwerke Wolfhagen GmbH. In addition to participating in the municipal utilities, its own projects are also implemented. Part of the proceeds go to the members as dividends - the other part goes to the cooperative's energy-saving fund. From this, the Energy Advisory Board develops targeted funding offers to increase members' energy efficiency. All members of the cooperative can thus reduce their energy requirements, save money in the long term and protect the environment.…

Fuchstal is a municipality in Bavaria which plans to test the 'power-to-heat' approach, which involves converting excess electricity into heat which is then stored in large storage facilities until it is needed. The community also plans to build flexibility into its biogas plant so that it can adapt to fluctuating demand. The community also has photovoltaic systems, hydroelectric power stations, a wind farm and an innovative district heating network.…

Why do we need a gender-equitable energy transition? The opportunities for participation in the energy transition process seem diverse and multiple in our democracy. However, for many marginalised groups in our society, there are questionable and arbitrary yet systematic limits and obstacles to meeting their needs as consumers and producers of renewable energy, as well as workers and (political) decision-makers in the energy sector. This publication is aimed at all actors in business, politics and civil society who have not previously associated the issues of gender and energy. The link between gender justice and a grandchild-friendly energy system is becoming obvious. This publication conta…

Together with the Bündnis Bürgerenergie, 100 prozent Erneuerbar Stiftung launched the campaign "New power with the neighbourhood" in the summer of 2019. The aim is to illustrate the advantages and benefits of a decentralised energy system in a communicative, scientifically sound and politically applicable way. "Neighbourhood" stands for the many positive aspects of civic participation: for a local energy system, for a sense of community that allows cooperatives and neighbourhood initiatives to make energy history; for closeness that arises when people act together; and for manageability that creates products and processes whose development every user can experience. It also stands for self-e…

SIC is a group of people who inhabit, descend from, or just love Sifnos. They have created an innovative social entrepreneurial activity of citizens which welcomes all who wish to promote the economic and social enhancement of the island and its inhabitants. They envision, through a joint effort, taking action to promote socially responsible development and promotion of the island as well as the long-term prosperity of the local community.…

The island of Tilos, in the Dodecanese archipelago of Greece, is fully self-sufficient concerning its energy needs thanks to a substantial investment in renewables, being the first of all the Mediterranean islands to power itself through green energy, namely wind and solar power, in June 2017. Tilos won two awards for its innovative concept at the prestigious European Union Sustainable Energy Week. The TILOS project competed in both Energy Islands and Citizens Awards categories. Public participation was extraordinary, and the Tilos project earned half of all votes. The awards were granted by the EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy. For the island in general, dependence on fossil fu…

The Skala Ecovillage is a school of life. Skala focuses on self-sufficiency and sustainability. The participants all work as a community, focusing on notions such as a shared economy and a collective way of living.…

Chris is from Athens (Greece) and is studying socio-ecological systems at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is involved in the resistance movement against fossil fuels in Greece and is a member of Hyperion, the first solar energy community in Athens. He is a big fan of politics, social justice, intersectionality, confrontations…and the sun!…

Athens Niroo Community is a project initiated through the “Curing the Limbo” program by Co-Athens and supported by the Municipality of Athens. Athens Niroo Community aims to create an original and sustainable energy community through educational workshops and pilot activities for the utilization of renewable energy sources. Their goal is to create a close-knit community involving refugees and citizens of Athens who will actively contribute to clean energy production.…

This association of energy cooperatives is designed to promote citizen participation in energy transition. Emphasis is put on co-owning, voting rights (democratic aspect) and the values (participation, initiative, self-help, self-responsibility and self-management) conveyed by the cooperatives. It is engaged in advancing citizen participation in the energy transition by looking for future options (energy share, hydrogen, coupling, etc.). Political engagement is also a core value of the network, and the alliance makes claims for real "green power" energy, i.e. a sustainable, ecological and citizen-supported energy supply.…

With the LaVidaVerde project, a diverse assembly group is realizing a jointly developed idea of ​​future-oriented living in Berlin's Weitlingkiez, thought to be an answer to current ecological and social challenges in the form of a residential project. LaVidaVerde is an energy-plus house for a colourful group of committed young and older people who have consciously decided to engage in a project that enables communal living as well as resource-saving life and political work in and for the neighbourhood. The community is not limited to living together in the house but is also visible in the realization of common goals.…

In order to actively shape the energy future, citizens from Mainz and Rheinhessen joined forces in 2010 to form the UrStrom BürgerEnergieGenossenschaft Mainz eG - under the motto "Citizens make energy!" They build and operate photovoltaic systems in their region, producing clean solar power. In the Bürgerwerke eG network, they offer private and commercial customers nationwide 100% green electricity and BürgerÖkoGas from Germany. In addition, they operate car sharing with electric cars at several stations in Mainz, Budenheim and TH Bingen. As a community with over 430 members, they inform the public about the opportunities for citizen energy and lobby politicians.…

BEB - BürgerEnergie Berlin eG - is a cooperative that brings together citizens to work together for a sustainable, climate-friendly and citizen-owned energy system in Berlin. It is a free cross-party association of citizens.…

The Citizens' Dialogue on the Power Grid stands for open and transparent exchange about the complex issues of the energy transition and the expansion of the electricity grid in Germany. To this end, the internet site provides information as a neutral body and offers a wide range of information and dialogue opportunities. The purpose is then to conduct a broad-based dialogue on grid expansion as part of the energy transition.…

The Federal Association of Citizens 'Initiatives against SuedLink is the transnational association of citizens' initiatives that was founded primarily in protest against the planned direct current lines in Germany. The primary goal of the federal association is the nationwide networking of citizens' initiatives with one another in order to give the protest against SuedLink a strong voice. They advocate decentralized and citizen-friendly energy planning and energy policy as a viable alternative to the planned electricity highways and call on politicians to rethink the scheme.…

Advice for people suffering from energy poverty (Hartz IV, Arbeitslosen, social aid beneficiaries, etc.) to make more efficient use of energy, free emergency aid such as energy-saving and LED lamps, switchable socket strips, TV standby switches, timers and aerators for taps. The emergency aids are also installed immediately. It also offers help to equip households to buy less-consuming appliances (a 100€ cheque or more). It has recently developed an app:…

Schönau Power Utility (EWS) has its roots in the anti-nuclear movement and in the 1990s became a pioneer as it succeeded in 1996 in raising the funds for its electricity grid. As a citizen-owned company, EWS is still committed to phasing out nuclear power, protecting the climate and decentralising and democratising the energy industry. The fight for a sustainable energy future shapes its entrepreneurial and social action. EWS is engaged in promoting a sustainable energy supply, energy justice and climate protection against nuclear power and coal-fired power. EWS is cooperatively structured, and its companies combine economy with civic engagement.…

The Citizens’ Climate Assembly aims to craft a path toward a climate-friendly way of living and doing business. In a non-partisan and open space, the citizens discuss how the climate goals of the Paris Agreement can be reached ecologically (sustainable for the environment), economically (good for our economy) and socially (fair for all). After all, effective climate protection only works if everyone participates! At the end of the Citizens' Assembly, the participants will all vote on the recommendations, which will then be summarized in a Citizens' Report. After the federal elections, this Citizens' Report will be handed over to the parties in the German Bundestag. This way, the recommendati…