A municipality with carbon reduction goals to be achieved by 2020. The measures contained in the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) are estimated to reduce emissions by about 22.1%, and it is calculated that each resident will emit approximately 2.1 tonnes in 2020. In 2016, the City Council approved that the City of Reykjavík would become party to the Unified Charter Municipal Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy with a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030.…
For hundreds of thousands of poor households, accessing electricity is a big problem and they are often cut off from the grid as they are unable to pay their bills and fines. Roma students, with the mentorship of an organisation, developed a cheap form of access to electricity that uses a solar-charged panel that is easy to install and covers the demand for lighting for 5-6 hours and the charging of one mobile phone. With crowdfunding they installed this for 40 families in one village and a few others have taken over the innovation.…
A one-stop-shop model adopted in Hungary to facilitate and support energy efficient renovations of flats and houses. The consortium builds up researchers and an expert pool, an online platform, and, so far, three offices that offer direct consultation with citizens.…
Green Walk is part of the World Green Building Week, a campaign to accelerate sustainable buildings for everyone. Organised visits to otherwise closed buildings and houses to learn about resilient net zero built environment. The walks are organised for architects and citizens and are led by experts to teach about technology.…
An awareness-raising and motivation campaign to promote cycling to workplaces, as many individuals cycle for leisure, but not for everyday transport. The campaign provides a lot of information on cycling for individuals, on cycling generally, and also involves a championship and gives awards for best visibility and cycled kilometres. Individuals can register and count how many times and how many kilometres they have biked. Every year the campaign has a launch event called the ‘bike breakfast’ at which local shops provide bakery products and drinks for bikers at important squares in the city.…
The Climate Elves program is a holistic program series for children from 3-11 years old, primarily for children but also for their parents. It involves various programs from climate topics, extreme weather conditions, to waste and water management and personal resilience, from a few-hour-long indoor workshops and events to outdoor adventure programs and a week-long camp.…
The municipality of City of Szekszard runs a Climate Circle that supports the development and the implementation of the cities' climate strategy. The main coordinator is a green NGO that coordinates the program, manages the climate fund, and communicates to citizens. The Climate Circle has ongoing annual programs and five working groups, and a unique climate fund. The working groups develop action plans for the areas of the climate strategy (energy, waste, water, education, transport) and define the priorities for the annual climate fund. The climate fund supports citizens to receive small amounts of money to undertake real climate action.…
GreenHome is a renovated house that was turned into community centre to demonstrate that old buildings can be turned into energy efficient ones using renewable energy. The house at the moment provides training on different topics such as green energy, zero waste life, woman circle, entrepreneurship skills training, and serves as an event space.…
Carbon house exhibition “How big is your footprint?” at the National Botanical Garden. The exhibition aims to raise awareness about environmental constraints. The transfer of messages is supported by the passive house construction of the Carbon house of 400 m2 in size. A separable conference area is provided on the first floor for a maximum of 80 participants. Forty photovoltaic panels ensure the production of electricity required each year for the operation of the building. Renewable energies, geothermal, biomass and solar are used in other facilities of the botanical garden and the buildings of the municipality where the garden is located.…
The mission of Friends of the Earth Hungary (FoE), comprised of over 100 Hungarian member groups, is the comprehensive protection of nature, as well as the promotion of sustainable development. The Community Energy Programme of FoE is focused on creating a more favourable legislative environment for community Renewable Energy Sources (RES) projects and building up a cross-national and national community power coalition. Additionally, public campaigns have been organised in five Hungarian regions to facilitate the birth of more community energy initiatives and projects. This programme has given risen to the Community Energy Service Company, which supports the creation of energy co-operatives …
This case is about individuals being responsible for their air travel and to some extent their overseas holidays. On the one hand, making an effort to reduce the need for air travel as much as possible, and on the other making an effort to compensate for it. In this case, Veronika, a Hungarian woman, asked GDI to calculate the carbon footprint of her and her family's travelling, and to plant native fruit trees in order to compensate for it (while not assuming that if air travel is compensated, you can do it as much as you like). For Veronika it was also important that the planting of fruit trees contributes to preserving biodiversity, and that they are planted in school gardens or the garden…
The main aim of PowerPoor is to support programmes/schemes for energy-poor citizens and encourage the use of alternative financing schemes (e.g. establishing energy communities / cooperatives, and crowd funding). PowerPoor facilitates experience and knowledge sharing, as well as the implementation of small-scale energy efficiency interventions and the installation of renewable energy sources, increasing the active participation of citizens.…
The Green Road Village Development Program started in 1997 in Nagypáli, the main goal of which was to develop the village into a European-standard, self-sustaining settlement, preserving the traditions of the villages of the Göcsej region in Western Hungary. The directions of the development were determined from the start: the use of renewable energy sources, development of tourism, building a community, environmental protection and environmental awareness, and the production of local products. In two decades, a sustainable, liveable, and well-functioning settlement has been established with all kinds of renewable energy use: a biosolar heating plant, solar collectors and solar panel farms (…
For hundreds of thousands of poor households, accessing electricity is a big problem and they are often cut off from the grid as they are unable to pay their bills and fines. Roma students, with the mentorship of an organisation, developed a cheap form of access to electricity that uses a solar-charged panel that is easy to install and covers the demand for lighting for 5-6 hours and the charging of one mobile phone. With crowdfunding they installed this for 40 families in one village and a few others have taken over the innovation.…
Information and awareness-raising campaign about energy savings and building energy-efficiency in cooperation with a Budapest district and NGO. Besides online and offline information materials, there have been online and face-to-face info days, and citizens could ask for energy audit and a thermal camera recording.…
The first Citizens’ Assembly in Budapest, initiated by the City Council. The Assembly was facilitated by a professional NGO and climate experts. Fifty randomly selected citizens participated, who after two weekends of facilitated discussions and deliberative processes came up with a priority list. The list serves as a basis for updating the Climate Strategy of Budapest City Council.…
This is a campaign for schools, teachers, and students. The campaign is a competition-based one that involves collecting climate miles while going to school in a sustainable way, having non-meat or local food days, and engaging in climate action in groups or planting trees. Besides this, there are always compulsory campaign elements connected to other activities and themes (biodiversity, chemical-free food, clean water, renewable energy) and optional ones as well. The number of climate miles that are collected are calculated every year and added up on the global level as well.…
The PANEL 2050 project aims to create durable and replicable sustainable energy networks at a local (municipality/community) level, where relevant local stakeholders collaborate to create local energy visions, strategies, road mapping and action plans for the transition towards low-carbon communities in 2050. The project consists of stakeholder mapping, capacity building, and vision setting for a certain region in each country in which the project is active.…
A consortium of NGOs that promotes commitment to and the signing of a 7-point green agenda by candidates who are running for the parliamentary election this year.…
One focus of BCSDH's programme is climate change itself, and how companies are dealing with it. In addition to its many activities in support of environmental sustainability, the organisation has been working with the GreenDependent Institute for many years to reduce and offset the carbon footprint of its events. To do this, at BCSDH events only local and seasonal food is offered, exactly the amount of food that is needed is ordered. Food waste is minimised in consultation with the catering company, and if there is leftover food it is distributed to those in need through the Budapest Bike Maffia. Further, GreenDependent Institute regularly calculates the carbon footprint of their events, whi…