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“Use your bike instead of your car”/”By bike to the rush hour”. “Biciklom na špicu”

In April 2017, a one-day event called “Biciklom na špicu” (“By bike to the rush hour”) was organised in Zadar, Croatia, as part of the “CitiZEN – Sustainable Mobility for Citizens in Europe” project, co-financed by the Europe for Citizens program. The aim of the event was to inspire sustainable mobility in energy-conscious cities through improving plans for the sustainable urban mobility of local governments, but also by continuously encouraging activities such as cycling, walking, the use of electric vehicles, car-sharing, etc. The planned programme included workshops for children organized by the Association “Eko Zadar”, the promotion of electric bicycles (Calimero Sport) and electric cars (Vocational School Vice Vlatković Zadar) and “Pimp my bike” workshops for decorating bicycles, scooters and others. All participants in the event were invited to go to the city centre on their bicycles, scooters, rollerblades, or other more environmentally friendly means of transport instead of by car, and thus contribute to promoting sustainable mobility.



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