Energy Groups – schoolchildren accompanied by teachers – learnt good practices in the use of energy/energy resources. They explored the importance and benefits of an energy-efficient lifestyle through practical examples and activities, studying everyday relationships with energy use and performing focused experiments. The participants of the activity were schoolchildren, teachers and their family members. To provide the practical learning process, schools were equipped with energy efficiency equipment, which allowed school staff and children to draw conclusions about the consumption of energy for lighting, heating, and other purposes. In addition, exploratory tours have been organized, as well as a video competition for schoolchildren and their families. Teachers took part in training about energy efficiency. Modern and professional educational material with worksheets on energy for schoolchildren was created to guide the work of the Energy Groups. The qualified experts from energy efficiency and innovation centres participated in the activities both in pilot schools and joint workshops. Finally, the Energy Groups met at the Estonia-Latvia “Energy Day” held at Reuge School (Estonia). The activity was organised in the frame of the EU Interreg Estonia-Latvia cross-border cooperation programme project “Sustainable Energy Society”.
Sustainable Energy Society: Energy Groups in pilot schools in Vidzemes region Ilgtspējīgas enerģijas sabiedrība: Enerģijas pulciņi pilotskolās Vidzemē
This case is/was also active in: Estonia
This case is/was also active in:
Online presence:
Organisational form:
Target area:
4 Several or all of the above
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was completed before 2022