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SUNRISE (Zugló, Törökőr) SUNRISE (Zugló, Törökőr)

The main task of the SUNRISE (Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods Research and Implementation Support in Europe) project in Zuglo’s Törökör neighbourhood was to widen and deepen the pre-existing process of participatory planning and to establish sustainable cooperation of local stakeholders for co-assessing and co-planning mobility-related issues. Co-implementing innovative solutions was also part of the main task, using synergies of other developments that involved citizens in the neighbourhood. The regeneration of public spaces in the district was Zuglo’s main goal. Also, using Törökör as a pilot neighbourhood for this process could help disseminate innovative methods and tools to other neighbourhoods.

This case is/was also active in: Germany, Greece, Sweden, United Kingdom



This case is/was also active in:

Germany, Greece, Sweden, United Kingdom

Online presence:

Organisational form:


Target area:

1 Urban area

Main focus:


Ongoing case in 2022:

Case was completed before 2022