The Housing Association “Rannaliiva” implemented the project for the pre-existing (built in the late 1980s, 16 dwellings) multi-apartment building renovation. The renovation was done within the frame of the RenoZB (Accelerating Nearly Zero Energy Renovation for Buildings and Neighbourhood) project of the EU Horizon 2020 programme. Overall, the RenoZB project aimed to unlock the nZEB renovation market by increasing property values through a new systemic approach to retrofitting. This included innovative components, processes and decision-making methodologies to guide all value-chain actors in the nZEB building renovation action. RenoZEB provided cost-effective ‘plug and play’ solutions for large-scale, deep nZEB rehabilitation schemes, ensuring the integrability of all its components, methodologies, training, guidelines, and real and virtual demonstration cases. New collaborative multi-value, multi-stakeholder methodologies and decision-making to select the best energy-efficient renovation strategies were developed within the project. Other real demonstration cases are sited in Durango and Bilbao (Spain), and virtual demonstration cases are being developed in Ravda (Bulgaria), Athens (Greece) and Stezzano (Italy).
RenoZEB Estonian demonstration building: multi-apartment building renovation in Võru, Estonia
This case is/was also active in: Spain
This case is/was also active in:
Online presence:
Organisational form:
Target area:
1 Urban area
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022