The main aim of PowerPoor is to support programmes/schemes for energy-poor citizens and encourage the use of alternative financing schemes (e.g. establishing energy communities / cooperatives, and crowd funding). PowerPoor facilitates experience and knowledge sharing, as well as the implementation of small-scale energy efficiency interventions and the installation of renewable energy sources, increasing the active participation of citizens.
PowerPoor in Hungary: Energy Communities mentors PowerPoor: Energiaszegénységi Támogatók
This case is/was also active in: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain
This case is/was also active in:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain
Online presence:
Organisational form:
Target area:
4 Several or all of the above
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022