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Our Energy Cooperative Spółdzielnia Nasza Energia

Our Energy Cooperative is a private and local government initiative created in response to high electricity prices offered by mainstream companies. It was established in 2014 by Bio Power Ltd. in Zamość, Elektromontaż Ltd. and four municipalities from the Zamość region: Sitno, Skierbieszów, Komarów-Osada and Łabunie. It intends to build a dozen or so small biogas plants that will ensure energy self-sufficiency for these communities by supplying electricity and, if possible, thermal energy for public utility buildings and households. The cooperative ensures that the launch of the investment will contribute to the creation of hundreds of jobs, will enable access to high-performance natural fertilizer in the form of treated post-fermentation mass, and will also mean a reduction in pollution from local boiler houses and a significant improvement in the safety of power supply in eastern Poland, which is most at risk of so-called black-outs. Launching the investment also means the social and economic advancement of municipalities and residents.



This case is/was also active in:

Online presence:

Organisational form:


Target area:

4 Several or all of the above

Main focus:

Direct energy production and/or consumption

Ongoing case in 2022:

Case was ongoing in 2022