Michael Bürger’s original concept, launched in 2020, is to build and operate a local heating network supplying 80 properties. The Bürger family lives on the same property in Schafgasse in Unterspiesheim, where the heating centre is located. Three boilers are fired with wood chips. Together, the furnaces have a heating capacity of 0.75 megawatts. The buffer tanks right next to them hold 30,000 litres, and another 20,000 litres will circulate in the heating pipes – once they are laid down and in operation. The woodchip fuel he gets partly from his own landscape management company; it is waste wood that accumulates there. He also collects the rest of the wood himself. Customers are bound to his service by contract for 15 years – from the time of commissioning. Until then, customers do not pay a cent. Bürger not only finances the grid but also the transfer stations in the houses. Customers provide – and pay for – the connection to their home grid.
Local heating network in Unterspiesheim Nahwärmenetz in Unterspiesheim
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Target area:
3 Rural area, including remote communities, islands, etc.
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022