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ingREeS – Setting up Qualification and Continuing Education and Training Scheme for Middle and Senior Level Professionals on Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings ingREeS - Nastavenie kvalifikácie a systému ďalšieho vzdelávania a výcviku odborníkov na strednej a vyššej riadiacej úrovni v oblasti energetickej efektívnosti a využívania obnoviteľných zdrojov energie v budovách

From the point of view of fundamental priorities and essential activities, the ingREeS Project is directly linked to the European Build-Up Skills Initiative (BUS). The project has extended the implementation of the Roadmaps established and endorsed under the Pillar I BUS Slovakia and BUS Czech Republic projects focused on the enhancement of skills of craftsmen and on-site workers in the building sector up to middle and senior-level construction professionals. The Roadmaps identified key measures for setting up national qualification and training schemes and other measures for ensuring the development of skills essential in the field of construction to contribute to the fulfilment of the Europe 2020 energy targets. IngREeS, together with other related projects, made it happen.

This case is/was also active in: Czech Republic



This case is/was also active in:

Czech Republic

Online presence:

Organisational form:


Target area:

4 Several or all of the above

Main focus:

Direct energy production and/or consumption

Ongoing case in 2022:

Case was completed before 2022