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Gödöllő Climate Club Gödöllői klíma-klub

The Gödöllő Climate Club is a small, voluntary, grassroots group initiated in 2009 by GreenDependent Association in the town of Gödöllő in Central Hungary, with the primary goal of reducing the carbon footprint of its members and creating a supportive group for change. The club was initiated as a pilot project within a European Union FP7 research project called Changing Behaviour which investigated how to induce long-term behaviour change related to energy use. The pilot project proved to be successful as the club has been meeting ever since, attracting an increasing number of people.



This case is/was also active in:

Online presence:

Organisational form:


Target area:

2 Peri-urban area

Main focus:


Ongoing case in 2022:

Case was completed before 2022