In her own definition, a “mother of three happy children, cyclist, recyclist, zero waste activist, idealist, small town gardener, community engine”, Gabriella is an eco-architect who focuses on environmentally sound ways of building, especially straw-bale and adobe houses. She is a founder and the president of the Hungarian Strawbuilders Association, built her own house with her husband and many friends, and has opened her house to experts and lay people who are interested in straw bale houses and organises workshops there. Moroever, she is an active member of several local civil organisations and groups in Gödöllő, Hungary, a cyclist group and an “eco picnic” group; she also organises film screenings on sustainability-related issues, and is an active zero-waste activist. She is also a member of the local organic food box system (Community Supported Agriculture).
Gabriella Révész, eco acrhitect and activist Révész Gabriella, ökoépítész és aktivista
This case is/was also active in:
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Target area:
Urban area
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022