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For an ecological awakening Pour un réveil écologique

“For an ecological awakening” is a movement that transmits the voice of students and young professionals who call on society to take measures to meet ecological challenges. The collective aims to accelerate the transition to an economic model compatible with planetary boundaries and sustainable for humanity by focusing its action mainly on issues of training and employment. In addition to calling for a “wake up” of universities and employers, the collective offers sources of information and action on other levers to reduce its carbon footprint.

This case is/was also active in: Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom



This case is/was also active in:

Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

Online presence:

Organisational form:


Target area:

5 This distinction is not relevant to this case (e.g. it is a virtual case)

Main focus:


Ongoing case in 2022:

Case was ongoing in 2022