People with low income are coached free of charge by volunteer coaches on how they can contribute to the energy and climate strategy of Tirol according to their means and, at the same time, improve their financial situation and quality of life. The Doppelplus initiative was initiated by the project partners Klimabündnis Tirol, Energie Tirol, Komm!unity Wörgl, Caritas and AlpS and financed by the province of Tyrol and the Stadwerke Wörgl. The initial coaching took place from November 2017 until February 2021; since then, the initiators have continued the initiative.
Doppelplus Tyrol Doppelplus Tyrol
This case is/was also active in:
Online presence:
Organisational form:
Target area:
3 Rural area, including remote communities, islands, etc.
Main focus:
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022