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DOOR – Society for Sustainable Development Design Društvo za oblikovanje održivog razvoja

DOOR is a civil society organization of experts devoted to the promotion of sustainable energy development that was founded in 2003. Today, DOOR has more than 50 members, a five-member steering committee and seven employees. They have successfully implemented more than 100 projects, with goals ranging from climate change mitigation, encouraging citizens’ participation in sustainable energy policymaking, improving education about renewable energy sources and alleviating energy poverty. Within its projects, DOOR has organized more than a hundred workshops, round tables, training events, conferences and other public events attended by several thousand participants, published a dozen manuals, organized a number of study trips and established continuous cooperation with numerous organizations from Croatia and abroad. DOOR’s vision is of a society competent in the field of sustainable energy, in which the public takes part in delivering, monitoring and evaluating public policies, and energy plays an important role in social and economic development and decreasing poverty.



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Ongoing case in 2022:

Case was ongoing in 2022