Dömörkapu Rengeteg is a tourist buffet and forest community space not far from Szentendre (or Budapest), in the Pilis forest. A team (mostly volunteers) has been working for two years on the step by step renewal of the place, and are now planning to switch to renewable energy production, which they want to implement as an energy community with collective funding. The visitor and supporting community will receive vouchers in return for their investment, which they can exchange there later (during programmes or at the planned cycling point). The project was inspired by FoE Hungary’s call on the theme of sustainable resource management (Életigenlő társadalmat és gazdaságot!). As a community energy initiative it is now part of FoE Hungary’s other programme that focuses on this exact issue.
Dömörkapu Rengeteg Community Energy Közösségi Energia Dömörkapu Rengetegben
This case is/was also active in:
Online presence:
mtvsz.hu/kozossegi-energia, mtvsz.hu/bolintsra
Organisational form:
Target area:
2 Peri-urban area
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022