A new community biosolar heating plant was built in Pornóapáti in 2005, the first of smaller Hungarian municipalities to do this. The investment was inspired by the village heating plants that have been operating in Austria for several years to the satisfaction of citizens. The development was motivated by the environmental benefits of renewable energy sources and the possibility of energy self-sufficiency. The support and cooperation of locals was also an important factor in the realisation of the project.
Community biomass heating plant in Pornóapáti Közösségi fűtőmű Pornóapátiban
This case is/was also active in: Austria
This case is/was also active in:
Online presence:
Organisational form:
Target area:
3 Rural area, including remote communities, islands, etc.
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022