One focus of BCSDH’s programme is climate change itself, and how companies are dealing with it. In addition to its many activities in support of environmental sustainability, the organisation has been working with the GreenDependent Institute for many years to reduce and offset the carbon footprint of its events. To do this, at BCSDH events only local and seasonal food is offered, exactly the amount of food that is needed is ordered. Food waste is minimised in consultation with the catering company, and if there is leftover food it is distributed to those in need through the Budapest Bike Maffia. Further, GreenDependent Institute regularly calculates the carbon footprint of their events, which they compensate by planting native fruit trees in Hungarian school gardens.
Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary: carbon footprint compensation throuhg planting native fruit trees Magyarországi Üzleti Tanács a Fenntartható Fejlődésért (BCSDH): karbonlábnyom-kompenzáció őshonos gyümölcsfák ültetésével
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