Blockchain Grid aims at turning the conventional approach of most congestion management approaches for distribution grids upside down. The project does not consider how to deal with excess utilization but rather how to make the most use of remaining free grid resources (time-varying power and voltage bands) for the benefit of prosumers. This approach is enabled by the high level of trusted automation provided by Blockchain technology. In particular, the approach is to implement a distributed Blockchain-based application that enables prosumers to share free grid resources for their surplus generation and load, whereas the distribution system operator acts as a facilitator. Since autumn 2017, the southern Styrian municipality of Heimschuh has been the scene of a showcase project for local energy communities. As part of the “LEAFS 2” research project, a central community storage facility for photovoltaic electricity was built here. Local residents can feed their self-generated solar power into this storage facility and then retrieve it when they need it.
Blockchain Grid (LEAF projects 1 and 2) Blockchain Grid (LEAF projects 1 and 2)
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Target area:
1 Urban area
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was completed before 2022