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Association of Environmental Associations “Green List of Serbia” Ekoloških udruženja “Zelena lista Srbije”

The Association of Environmental Associations “Green List of Serbia” is a network of local environmental organizations that contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the quality of life of Serbian citizens through public advocacy, education, information and the encouragement of citizen activism. Its goal is to support, develop and connect local environmental organizations that as equal partners, together with other actors in the community, work to support sustainable development in Serbia. The network was launched by the Balkan Fund for Local Initiatives (BCIF) at the end of 2007, and since 2015, the “Green List of Serbia” has been operating as a formal Association of Environmental Associations based in Novi Sad. It was established for an indefinite period of time in order to achieve goals in the field of ecology, environmental protection, sustainable development, climate change, rural development, energy and work with children and youth.



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Ongoing case in 2022:

Case was ongoing in 2022