The Slovak Renewable Energy Agency (Slovenská organizácia pre obnoviteľné zdroje energie, n.o.), in cooperation with schools, prepared a freely distributable educational manual to build an understanding of energy among pupils and inspire them to implement changes. The manual originally comes from the US; it was put together in 2010 by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and was adapted to Slovakian conditions in 2016 in cooperation with Ing. Jana Pašková from the Secondary Industrial School of Electrical Engineering. The handbook was presented to the public as part of the 6th European Solar Days awareness-raising campaign. The handbook can be used for formal and non-formal education in the field of energy, for the development of curricula, or for the preparation of lessons focused on this issue. The handbook does not seek to identify all energy-related topics, and it prefers to focus only on those areas that are important to all people.
ENERGY LITERACY – Schools support the transition on clean energy ENERGETICKÁ GRAMOTNOSŤ - Školy podporujú prechod na čistú energiu
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