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Electric vehicles in households: state programme in 2022 & 2023 to promote their penetration Elektromobiļi mājsaimniecībās: valsts budžeta finansēta atbalsta programma 2022.un 2023.gados to iegādes atbalstam

Electric vehicles have started penetrating Latvia households. In 2021, electric vehicles accounted for 4.35% of the total market for new vehicles. A country-wide fast charging stations network (141 stations) is in place already. To promote electric vehicles in households, a new state budget financed by revenues from the Emissions Allowances Auctioning Instrument support programme for the years 2022 and 2023 was adopted in December 2021. The case presents this programme from the perspective of individual households. The amount of the grant is differentiated as follows: (1) for the purchase of a new BEV – 4,500 EUR, (2) for the purchase of exploited BEV and new PHEV – 2,250 EUR. In addition, 1,000 EUR is provided in the case of scrapping an existing vehicle, and the registered merchant–seller of EVs should also provide bonuses of 1,000 (new BEV) or 500 EUR. Support is provided to the EV sellers as the intermediaries, and the final beneficiaries are the physical persons.



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Case was ongoing in 2022