Energy efficiency improvements in apartment buildings can be complemented by the installation of local RES technologies. However, the decision to do this has to be made by the association or community of apartment owners of a particular apartment building. The complex financial instrument (the grant, loan by ALTUM and guarantee for loan issued by commercial institution) is provided by the Latvian state-owned development finance institution ALTUM (ERDF co-financing). However, only a few apartment buildings have used this additional option to install zero-emission solar heat panels. One such case is presented.
Installation of solar heat panels in multi-apartment buildings, complemented with energy efficiency improvements of buildings Saules siltuma panelu uzstādīšana daudzdzīvokļu mājās kā papildus pasākums kopā ar ēkas energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanu
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Target area:
1 Urban area
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022