One of the district governments of Budapest (District 13) implemented an exemplary unique initiative. A multi-flat building with 100 flats was built by April 2014 which flats are now rented out on a social basis, while they remain the property of the municipality. People who move into the flats receive training on how to use the flats – as the building is a certified passive house -, and on energy saving. Following upon the success of the first social building, the municipality built a second passive house in 2018 with 23 flats, and several others followed. The latest official handover of a passive social house with 35 flats was in January 2022. According to a decision of the district municipality only social housing that adheres to passive house standards has been constructed since 2014.
Passive Social Housing in Budapest Szociáls passzív házak Budapesten
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1 Urban area
Main focus:
Direct energy production and/or consumption
Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022