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Women. Energy. Turnaround/Change! (the term “Wende” also refers to the energy transition) Frauen. Energie. Wende! (FEW)

Why do we need a gender-equitable energy transition? The opportunities for participation in the energy transition process seem diverse and multiple in our democracy. However, for many marginalised groups in our society, there are questionable and arbitrary yet systematic limits and obstacles to meeting their needs as consumers and producers of renewable energy, as well as workers and (political) decision-makers in the energy sector. This publication is aimed at all actors in business, politics and civil society who have not previously associated the issues of gender and energy. The link between gender justice and a grandchild-friendly energy system is becoming obvious. This publication contains a concentrated overview of the structural resistances that women, in Germany in particular, have to overcome in order to bring about a new and just energy system. In 13 interviews with experts, personal light is also shed on these systematic barriers that prevent us from building a decentralised, democratic and just energy system.



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