This is a local renewable energy utility with public-community co-ownership (Germany). The citizen cooperative Wolfhagen (eG) holds 25% shares in Stadtwerke Wolfhagen GmbH. In addition to participating in the municipal utilities, its own projects are also implemented. Part of the proceeds go to the members as dividends – the other part goes to the cooperative’s energy-saving fund. From this, the Energy Advisory Board develops targeted funding offers to increase members’ energy efficiency. All members of the cooperative can thus reduce their energy requirements, save money in the long term and protect the environment.
Citizen Energy Cooperative Wolfhagen (BEG) BürgerEnergieGenossenschaft Wolfhagen eG (BEG)
This case is/was also active in:
Online presence:
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Target area:
1 Urban area
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Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022