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Municipality of Ii Iin Kunta

Ii is a Finnish municipality with around 10,000 inhabitants that has gained recognition as ‘Europe’s Greenest Town’. It had the goal to reduce 80% of its carbon emissions by 2020, 30 years faster than the EU climate target. Economic rationality and citizen involvement have been key success factors for Ii. Ii has adopted sustainable policies that are economically viable and involved citizens and businesses in three focal areas: energy, transport and resource efficiency. Today the municipality is energy independent and uses wind, hydro, and geothermal power plus bio-based fuels and sells the surplus to the grid. Since 2010, Ii has cut its oil consumption by 89% and no longer uses fuels for heating and electricity. Early education is part of the citizen engagement strategy. For example, schools and kindergartens receive half the money saved through energy efficiency on their utility bills, and pupils get to choose how to use the money. Another example of citizen engagement is the yearly climate festival that invites everyone to participate in shared dialogue: artists, scientists, celebrities, political leaders, citizens, and businesses. Moreover, the municipality aims to be the first zero-waste town in the world.



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3 Rural area, including remote communities, islands, etc.

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Ongoing case in 2022:

Case was ongoing in 2022