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ProjectZero – SpareKuffert (Saving Suitcase) ProjectZero - SpareKuffert

SpareKuffert is one of many initiatives promoted by ProjectZero in the Sønderborg area. Sparekuffert is a suitcase filled with information about how to save energy by installing more energy-efficient versions of different kinds of appliances (lightbulbs, showerheads, energy-saving powerstrips and so on). It also contains meters for measuring energy consumption. The intention is that people substitute their old lightbulbs with the new ones in the suitcase and so on to see how they work – and to be inspired to buy LEDs and watersavers and so on after having tried them out. The intention is also that people change minor habits.



This case is/was also active in:

Online presence:

Organisational form:


Target area:

2 Peri-urban area

Main focus:

Direct energy production and/or consumption

Ongoing case in 2022:

Case was ongoing in 2022