Through the project “Energy against Poverty”, the customers of Energie Graz are asked for donations of five euros or more; every donation up to 5,000 euros is doubled by Energie Graz. Via a trust account and a notary, the donations go in equal parts to Caritas and the social welfare office, which take care that the money ends up where it is needed. In terms of emergency aid and sustainable measures: 40 per cent goes to emergency aid so that electricity and heating bills can be paid, and 60 per cent of the donations are used to buy low-energy electrical appliances. 1,500 households had to have their electricity cut off in 2021, and the project helps to further fill the emergency aid fund through voluntary donations.
“Energy against Poverty” „Energie gegen Armut“
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1 Urban area
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Ongoing case in 2022:
Case was ongoing in 2022