The 100% RE Foundation aims at supporting the development of energy citizenship in German. The way the Foundation describes itself is pretty clear: “Shaping the energy transition according to […] citizens‘ needs is essential for our work at […] 100 prozent Erneuerbar Stiftung. What we know: […] citizens in Germany want the energy transition. What we don’t know: What role can, want and should they play? Will they shape the energy transition? Will they remain supply cases without major changes because ‘[…] power comes from the socket’? Do they have to accept everything that legislator [s] and companies are planning? We must assume that all of these three options describe very much possible and probable roles. However, it’s anything but arbitrary who – especially how many people – plays which role. It’s crucial for the success of the energy transition that […] people act a part they feel comfortable in. Anyone who doesn’t want to shape the transition can remain in the traditional role of a consumer. But what about those that are affected but are forced into this role? And what about the people that don’t want to be a supply case but a designer for the energy transition but can’t just do that? In short: Our central question is, ‘What do […] people gain from the energy transition?’ […] 100 prozent Erneuerbar Stiftung works out answers in their projects and cooperations”.
100 Percent Renewable Energy Foundation 100 prozent Erneuerbare Energie Stiftung
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Case was ongoing in 2022